2015_2015_05_18_Digging rocks and garden

We have had so much rain this year that the ground is waterlogged. Because of that it seemed like a good time to dig up some exposed rocks in the front yard that have long been a problem for the lawnmower. The first two came out fairly easily but the third was a problem. I gave up for the time being. It is going to require a more profound application of physics to extract. However, I was able to pump it up and down, enough to get a brick under and I could hear water sort of sloshing around under the rock.

I also took some pictures of the garden. It is growing like a jungle.

IMG_7536.JPG: These are the two rocks I was able to extricate from the earth. I left them to dry a little then I will get my tractor and trailer, load them up and move them somewhere to display. I also need to get dirt to infill the holes.

IMG_7537.JPG: One is about 2 x 1 x 1 feet cubed. Probably weights more than 100 pounds.

IMG_7538.JPG: The other is not quite as big. These rocks just sort of grow out of the ground. You can see that over the years water has eroded some interesting holes in these rocks.

IMG_7539.JPG: This is the problem rock. It is bigger than the other two, too heavy for me to move even with a long pry bar. I will loop a chain around the pointed end and use a tree to winch it out of the ground. Might have problem getting it into my wagon after it is out. I could hear water slopping around under the rock when I pumped it up and down.

IMG_7540.JPG: A batch of fresh onions from my garden.

IMG_7541.JPG: My 3 rows of sweet corn. Won't rival Iowa's but hopefully it will be close. We will see. Bush beans are just beyond.

IMG_7542.JPG: Looking from the other side of the garden. Big squash plants are in front of the grapevine, potatoes closer and tomatoes to the far left.

IMG_7543.JPG: These are some of the tomatoes.

IMG_7544.JPG: There are 5 tomato plants in this raised bed. Since the rain started they have outgrown their metal cages.

IMG_7545.JPG: Lots of green tomatoes. There was one red one but a coon got it then I got him. I put my trap out and caught him Sunday morning. It was pouring down rain when I saw him. He was soaking but kind of cute. Took him a couple miles down the road and let him out by another creek. Hopefully he will stay away.

IMG_7546.JPG: Some of the other raised beds full of tomatoes and pepper plants.

IMG_7547.JPG: Pole beans growing up on the metal trellises. Cucumbers are on the right end of this trellis assembly.

IMG_7548.JPG: Trumpet plant flowers are covering the archway in front of the gardens.

IMG_7549.JPG: One of our many amaryllis this year.

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